Safe Shelter
We provide emergency shelter to survivors and their children who have experienced: domestic abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking that are in imminent danger. Our services are free and confidential.

Safe Shelter Provisions
Contact Safe Passage for immediate housing assistance
Text - (208) 449-7228
Email - safety@SafePassageID.org
Our confidential, safe shelter offers survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking and their children up to 30 days of safe shelter, on-site advocacy, safety planning, food, clothing, clean bedding, and hygiene necessities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Case management is available to help survivors connect with services such as housing, employment support, transportation assistance, childcare resources, and other services as appropriate. Our shelter is a comfortable home-like environment with private bedrooms and shared kitchen and bathroom. Pets are welcome.
Our shelter prioritizes survivors by imminent danger and can use local hotels to provide safety if we are full. We do coordinate with other domestic abuse/sexual assault shelters in the area to provide safety if staying in Coeur d'Alene is unsafe.