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Education outreach and resources

teen education int he classroom

Teen Outreach

Our Teen Outreach program offers presentations to high school and middle school students, Kootenai County Juvenile Detention Center, youth groups and clubs, and at local organizations that support youth. Presentations are based on safe dates, a school-based prevention program designed to stop and prevent the initiation of dating violence victimization and perpetration. Topics include Healthy Relationships, Dating Violence and Technology Safety in Dating Relationships. In addition, the Teen Outreach Program supports community-wide awareness events including National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, Respect Week, National Crime Victim’s Rights Week, mock trials at local high schools covering sexual assault or domestic abuse, and bystander intervention training targeted at preventing dating violence, sexual assault and bullying. 

We offer a popular and effective bystander training program called Green Dot in local schools and businesses.

Community Green Dot

Schedule a Teen Outreach Presentation for questions or to schedule a presentation.

Body Safety

Our education team offers Body Safety presentations to grades Kindergarten through 3rd. Presentations focus on creating a foundation of safety for children and cover important topics including: 

  • Private body parts

  • Safe and unsafe secrets

  • Safe and unsafe touches

  • Trusted adults 

Presentations are interactive and include a variety of activities to promote a fun and safe learning environment.  

shelter and safety

Schedule a Safety Training Presentation

Contact for questions or to schedule a presentation.
support groups meeting weekly in secret

Community Outreach

Safe Passage maintains a collection of resource materials on domestic abuse, sexual assault and anti-violence issues. Informational lectures, training and films are also available to interested individuals and groups.  We also offer presentations on domestic abuse and sexual assault covering a wide range of topics and can tailor subjects to your needs. 


Below are examples of community presentations provided to local organizations. 

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault 101  

In this presentation we will go over definitions and signs of abuse, barriers to reporting abuse and how we can better support survivors. 

How to respond if a child/family member discloses abuse  

It can feel really overwhelming when someone shares their story, we want to say the right thing and provide support, but sometimes we just don't know how. In this presentation you will learn tips on how to respond, and questions to avoid. 

Bystander Training

In this presentation, you will learn how to intervene in situations where you see bias, discrimination, or harassment taking place, while also keeping your own safety as a priority. 

Practicing and modeling consent in the home  

Understanding consent is a life skill; practicing consent can help children understand how boundaries are communicated, respected, or disregarded in everyday situations—keeping them safe. We will share age-appropriate conversation ideas in this presentation. 

a Training Session


Crisis Intervention Training

We provide an online Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) program for anyone who wants to learn comprehensive skills for assisting individuals in crisis. Individuals can complete this training to help protect their community.  All our volunteers and interns also take this training to be equipped to help those in domestic and sexual assault situations.

To enroll or ask questions, call or email us.

Education Videos

Safe Passage
Video Resources
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